Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't Make this Mistake with Your Athlete

It is obvious that your athlete MUST train off season to improve their speed, agility, quickness.  Too often- athletes think their strength training  and S.A.Q. training is over as soon as their sport comes into season.  So, what should your athlete do during season?

Should your athlete lift?

Should your athlete train for speed, agility, and quickness?

If so, how often?

The answer is Simple.  Absolutely!  Your athlete should lift and train for S.A.Q. if they want to continually improve!  You see, your body adapts to the environment in which it is placed.  Strength training and S.A.Q. create a dynamic enviroment that not only maintains strength and speed... but improves it!

Now, the regularity of strength training and S.A.Q. is of concern.  You don't want you athlete to over-train.  Over training is when the muscle tissue isn't totally recovered upon starting another workout regimen.  Over-training causes micro-trauma to the muscle tissue.  Which over time, it can contribute to muscle strains and tears.

I recommend your athlete train with weights 1 x per week "on-season".  S.A.Q. workouts should be short and infrequent "on-season" as well.  S.A.Q. workouts should be limited to 1.5 x per week.  A session shouldn't last longer than 45 min "on-season."

SAQBlast is offering a Limited Time Clinic at Sandlot to help your Athlete reach Peak Performance... when it matters most- On Season!  Space is limited and sign up ends on February 26th!

Parents: Don't Miss Your Chance to Get Your Body Back and Save BIG with BodyBlast's Body-Balance Boot Camp Challenge!

To Your Success,


New Sicklerville / Sewell Speed and Agility Company

Historically, athletes had travel 30+ min to get to a reputable Speed and Agility facility.  With BodyBlast's SAQBlast Program- Sports Performance training is now just a few miles away.  Serving Washington Township, Sewell, Sicklerville, Williamstown, and Turnersville Area!

Speed and Agility in Washington Township

What is SAQBlast?

SAQBlast is a customized Speed, Strength, and Agility Program tailored to each individual sport and athlete's needs.  Our personal trainer coaches are not only Athletes- each holds a Nationally Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coaches Certification.

How the program works:

Once a BodyBlast personal trainer assesses your performance, fitness level and goals, the BodyBlast team uses cutting-edge nutrition, strength, and plyometric training techniques that will take you to the next level in your competitive sport.

As you continue to follow this program, not only will your body and your performance be enhanced, but you will learn to keep these positive changes on and off season. BodyBlast SAQ programs are meant to reach your athletic goals as well as maintain your new level of performance.